Pré-inscription Common Good Summit

Legal Notice

Last update March 2021
Website editor: 
Les Echos Solutions 
Simplified joint stock company with a capital of €46,000 
Registered office: 10 boulevard de Grenelle, 75015 Paris, France Paris 
Trade and Companies register: B 408 165 157 VAT: FR 75 408 165 157 
 Tel.: +33 (0)1 87 39 85 31 
Publication Director: Pierre Louette, Chairman 


1.1 Definitions 

Website: means the website accessible at the address published by LES ECHOS SOLUTIONS; 
Events: means the event organized by LES ECHOS SOLUTIONS within the framework of the Site, namely the “Common Good Summit” 
Services: refers to all the products and services (free or paid) offered by LES ECHOS SOLUTIONS and/or exhibitors and partners on the Site; 
User: refers to any person connecting to the Site. 

 1.2 Generals 

 The User declares to have read the CGUV when subscribing to one or more Services offered by LES ECHOS SOLUTIONS on the Site and to have accepted them without reservation. The use of one of the Services offered by LES ECHOS SOLUTIONS obliges any User to strictly comply with it. 

GTCUS are articulated with the special conditions mentioned in the registration form for the Event which they supplement. 

LES ECHOS SOLUTIONS reserves the right to modify the terms of these GCUS at any time, in particular in order to comply with changes in the legislation and to notify the modifications thus made by simple publication on its Site. The new CGUS are therefore applicable within the hour following their posting. It is therefore advisable to regularly refer to the latest version of the CGUV. 

Any condition derogating from or contrary to any of the stipulations of the CGUV set by an User, appearing in particular in his own order forms and/or in his general conditions of purchase, will be unenforceable against LES ECHOS SOLUTIONS in the absence of prior acceptance. , express and written on his part. 

If any of the provisions of the GCUS are declared null or without object with regard to a legislative or regulatory provision in force and/or a court decision having the authority of res judicata, it will be deemed unwritten and not will not result in the nullity of the other provisions. 

The website and Services are accessible and available for professional Users as well as for non-professional Users.
2.1 Access to the website

The Website is available to any person visiting the website By using the Website, you can access a range of Services allowing you to register and participate in Events in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the General Terms and Conditions of Use and Sale. 

2.2 Access to services

To access the online services of the Website, you must create an account via the registration form available on the Website. 

For all intents and purposes, it is specified that the request for information on the Website does not require the creation of an account, and consequently no prior identification. 

The registration form on the Website includes the following information to be completed: title, first name, surname, e-mail address, organisation, position, profile, country and department. 

Once the registration form has been sent, a confirmation e-mail will be sent to the e-mail address provided by the User to confirm that the registration has been successful. 

The User shall identify themselves in a secure manner by means of their e-mail address and personal and confidential password. In this respect, the User undertakes not to communicate, divulge or transfer their password to any other person. 

The User is solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the login details chosen when registering. The User undertakes to provide accurate and complete information as requested in the registration form and to keep it up to date without delay. In the event that the User provides inaccurate, outdated or incomplete information, Les Echos Solutions reserves the right to suspend, block or prevent access to the Website under the conditions set forth in these General Terms and Conditions of Use. 

There is no charge for creating an account and accessing it via a login and a password. The User must notify Les Echos Solutions as soon as possible of any unauthorized use of their e-mail address or password and of any breach of security of persons and information. 

The e-mail address provided in the account creation form by the User must be accessible at all times. Les Echos Solutions will not respond to requests made by e-mail from Users if they are not sent through the e-mail address registered in the User's account. 

2.3 Prerequisites for using the website

The Services are offered to any User, subject to: 
• having the legal capacity to contract the Services offered on the Website; 
• not using this Website and/or its Services for any illegal or unauthorised activities; 
• not modifying, adapting or hacking this Website; 
• not accessing all or part of the Website by automated means without prior authorisation (including scripts or indexing robots) or by any other means than the interface offered on our Website.

2.4 Availability levels

The Website is accessible 24/7, except in case of force majeure or an event beyond the control of Les Echos Solutions, and subject to breakdowns and maintenance procedures necessary for the proper functioning of the Website, in particular technical or computer difficulties. 

 Les Echos Solutions may interrupt access to its Website for maintenance purposes, without prior notice to the Users. 

The User is aware of the limits inherent to the Internet network, in particular its technical performance and response time to consult, query or transfer information. Therefore, Les Echos Solutions is not responsible in case of slowdown, interruption of the Website, or any direct or indirect damage, due to malfunctions or interruptions of the network or due to errors in the transmission of data on the Internet, hijacking or intrusions by third parties on these data.  

Les Echos Solutions reserves the right to suspend or terminate the User's account if it finds that the User has violated the General Terms and Conditions of Use and Sale or the special conditions of the Event, and in particular if the User provides false, inaccurate, outdated or incomplete information, after sending a written notice that has remained ineffective for 3 calendar days, without prejudice to the right of Les Echos Solutions to request in court the payment of any damages in compensation for its entire loss. 

Deleting the account does not prevent the data from being stored.

Les Echos Solutions shall not be held responsible for any damage suffered by the User as a result of the termination of their account.   
 4.1 Responsibility of LES ECHOS SOLUTIONS 

 Les Echos Solutions, bound by an obligation of means, undertakes to implement all necessary means to ensure the continuity of the Services offered to the User. 

It is understood that Les Echos Solutions reserves the right to modify, postpone or cancel the Event. 

Les Echos Solutions is not responsible for any error, inaccuracy or omission contained in the information published on the Website. No advice or information obtained by the User of the Website is likely to create guarantees not expressly provided for by these General Terms and Conditions of Use and Sale. 

The Website contains hypertext links enabling the user to move from one page of the Website to another website with a click of the mouse. Les Echos Solutions cannot exercise any control over these sites nor assume any responsibility for their content in the event that the said third party sites do not comply with the legal and regulatory provisions in force or to come. The inclusion of these links does not imply that Les Echos Solutions approves the content of these sites. 

Furthermore, Les Echos Solutions shall not be held responsible for the non-respect of the response time provided by the exhibitors or partners in the context of a request for service on the Website or for the lack of response, in particular concerning the registration to the newsletters offered by the partners or the making of appointments. 

4.2 Responsibility of Users 

 The User is solely responsible for connecting to the Website. 

Any content downloaded by the User or obtained in any other way while using the Website is done so at the User's own risk; the User is solely responsible for any damage to their computer or loss of data resulting from the downloading of such content or from the browsing of the Website. 

It is therefore the responsibility of each User to take all appropriate measures to protect their personal data or software from contamination by any viruses that may be circulating on the Website. 

The User is solely responsible for the use they make of the contents of the Website and, consequently, Les Echos Solutions shall not be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of such content. The User is solely responsible for the use of the content of the sites having a hypertext link with the Website.   
5.1 Intellectual property of  LES ECHOS SOLUTIONS 

 All the components of the Website, including but not limited to texts, photographs, illustrations, videos, software and programs, sounds, music, page layouts, graphics, logos or any other information or support presented are and remain the exclusive intellectual property of Les Echos Solutions. 

The User or any other person is not authorised to reproduce, exploit, rebroadcast or use for any purpose whatsoever, even partially, any of the components of the Website. Any total or partial recovery of the databases of the Website is prohibited. 

The trademarks of Les Echos Solutions and its partners or exhibitors as well as the logos appearing on the Website are registered trademarks, whether semi-figurative or not, or logos protected by copyright. Any total or partial reproduction or imitation of these trademarks or logos, made without the express permission of Les Echos Solutions is prohibited, in accordance with articles L335-3 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code and articles L713-2 and L713-3 of the Intellectual Property Code. 

Les Echos Solutions is the producer of the database constituted within the framework of the operation of the Website within the meaning of Article L.341-1 of the Intellectual Property Code. 

Any unauthorised extraction or use of the content of the database is likely to engage the civil or criminal liability of its author. Therefore, the User undertakes not to use the contents in such a way as to infringe the rights of Les Echos Solutions and to ensure that such use does not constitute an infringement or unfair or parasitic competition of the contents. 

The use of any automated system or software aimed at extracting and exploiting all or part of the content, whether for commercial purposes or not, is prohibited. Les Echos Solutions reserves the right to (i) implement any protection system it deems useful to prevent or stop any automated or non-automated system or software and/or any action aiming at extracting or collecting any data from the Website and (ii) bring any action or claim necessary to prevent, stop and sanction any infringement of its rights on the content and/or the Website, including in the context of legal proceedings, without prior notice. 

The User expressly authorises Les Echos Solutions to reproduce, publish and distribute, under his pseudonym, in whole or in part and for the whole world, on any known and unknown medium, and for any purpose whatsoever, and for the legal duration of the protection of intellectual property rights as defined by the Intellectual Property Code, as well as by international conventions, including cases of possible extension of this duration, the contributions that he has posted on the Dialogue Spaces. 

The content of Users' contributions, made anonymous, may be communicated, exceptionally, to a research organisation or university centre for research purposes. The User certifies that they hold all the necessary rights to authorise the reproduction, publication and distribution of their contributions to Les Echos Solutions on all known and unknown media, in accordance with the above conditions. In this respect, the User guarantees Les Echos Solutions against any claim and any recourse that third parties may have in relation to the reproduction, publication or distribution of his contributions.

5.2 Image rights in the event of participation in an Event

 As part of his registration for the Event, the User authorises, free of charge and without consideration of any kind whatsoever, that any image and sound recording made as part of the Event, by video and/or audio recording, and/or photograph in which the User appears, may be used, reproduced, modified and disseminated on any medium known or unknown to date, and in particular on social networks, by Les Echos Solutions, by any company controlled by Les Echos Group within the meaning of article L.233-3 of the French Commercial Code, or their partners, for the duration of the exploitation of the video and/or audio recordings, and/or photographs. 

Users who do not wish to appear in the photographs, videos and recordings used to promote the Common Good Summit must notify the Organiser by e-mail at  
The User is invited to read the personal data protection policy by clicking here  

These General Terms and Conditions of Use and Sale are subject in all respects to French law. The parties agree to do their utmost to resolve amicably any dispute that may arise from the interpretation, execution and/or termination of these General Terms and Conditions of Use and Sale. If no agreement is reached within one (1) month, the said dispute shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the French courts, even in the event of an incidental claim or guarantee or multiple defendants. Any dispute likely to result from the interpretation or execution of these General Terms and Conditions of Use and Sale will be submitted to the competence of the competent court within the jurisdiction of the Paris Court of Appeal.  