Transition forum 2023



Directrice générale adjointe de l’IRT Railenium et directrice exécutive adjointe Itrans et Elue en charge de la transition écologique et de la mobilité à la Mairie de Wattignies


Chief engineer of the Corps des Mines, Samia Buisine began her career in the early 2000s at the Joint European Research Center in Italy, in Ispra, where she held the position of research engineer. She then joined the private sector within a large industrial group, Firmenich, then a Kaliès environment design office specializing in industrial risk consulting. She then turned to the public service to take care of public policies to fight against climate change within the DREAL (Regional Directorate for the Environment, Planning and Housing). 2012, she joined the office of the Minister for Productive Recovery to be an adviser to the Minister in charge of eco-industries and companies in difficulty. At the end of 2013, she took up the post of Commissioner for Productive Recovery within Hauts de France, before being appointed Secretary General of the Strategic Committee for the Rail Sector alongside Philippe Vasseur, High Commissioner for the Reindustrialisation of Hauts de France, President of REV III, and former Minister. In this context, in close collaboration with the executive of the Regional Council and the regional prefect, Samia Buisine ensured the animation and governance of the rail ecosystem made up of industrialists (Alstom, Bombardier, SNCF, AIF, FIF) , academic players (IRT Railenium, i-Trans, University of Valenciennes, INSA Valenciennes, Transalley), and institutional players (Regional Council, State, CCI). In 2020, Samia Buisine becomes Director General of the services of the Community of Municipalities of Inner Flanders (200 agents, territory of 50 municipalities - 105,000 inhabitants). At the same time, since March 2020, Samia Buisine has been elected in charge of ecological transition and mobility in Wattignies, a municipality in the European Metropolis of Lille.

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