Transition forum 2023


André Bonnard




RESAN's mission is, as part of an "Industry as a service" model, to provide selected and trained farmers with containers converted into micro-workshops installed in the heart of the farms. And this, with the aim of better valorizing part of their production, by supporting them throughout the entire transformation process (method and quality) and by providing them with marketing and commercial logistical support aimed at guaranteeing better remuneration as well as the marketing of healthy, natural and quality products. Active in the heart of the territories, we work with 10 partner dairy farms throughout France. This territorial network simplifies the implementation of short circuits. The remuneration generated by this new activity allows the creation of a job on the farm. The yogurts and dessert creams produced in the micro-workshops are sold in particular under the J’achat Fermier brand. Multi-local national brand, J’achat Fermier is available in both RHF and GMS. These products are labeled fair trade by Agri-Ethique France.

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