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Connaitre les différents procédés de fabrication additive métalliques et polymères ainsi que les règles HSE (Hygiène-Sécurité-Environnement) associées. • Assurer la...
"Predictive" and prescriptive maintenance
Artificial intelligence serving maintenance SmartForest, our "predictive" and prescriptive maintenance solution uses data science, artificial intelligence, and...
3D Modelling with drone
La technique de Photogrammétrie et l’utilisation de logiciels ultra performants donnent la possibilité de modéliser en 3D / Bâtiments, Ouvrages d’art, Patrimoine …
3D print: manufacture of technical parts
The challenge is to help businesses and individuals in the manufacture of technical parts, while offering innovative manufacturing processes through professional...
3D scanning: a solution for every need
3D scanning is one of the fastest ways today safe and economical to obtain 3D models with a level high precision and quality. SCAN TO BIM 3D laser survey: buildings,...
4hFactory.tech LMS
4hFactory.tech is a platform allowing the creation and distribution of information and training content to your employees, as well as the creation of no-code...
On Quotation
Set out to discover 5G and its many uses! Whether you are a start-up, a major company or a local government, find out all about the current and future potential of 5G,...
Abnormal temperature detection
Our solution allows to detect in real time the temperature rise on the surface of the objects stored in the considered zones, in order to prevent a possible fire or a...
Accompagnement au Décret Tertiaire
Dans le cadre du Décret Tertiaire, nous vous accompagnons pour répondre aux obligations réglementaires : publications sur la plateforme OPERAT, choix de l'année de...
AEM : Real-time energy management and analytics
The AEM tool for plant optimisers and operators enables operational and plant analyses to be carried out on the basis of historical data recorded by SVC. Visual...
Aerial photos and videos
Nous réalisons des vidéos 4k et photos en ultra hd pour vos besoins de communication / Entreprises et industrie, Immobilier et urbanisme, Suivi de chantier, Panoramique...
AirLink - Compact industrial WiFi access point
AirLink is a WiFi device designed for industrial, building & factory automation and mobile applications: *Compact and practical: a small footprint, wall or DIN rail...
AirWan - Industrial cellular router (2G/3G/4G) + WiFi (802.11n)
AirWan has been designed for M2M and IIoT applications. AirWan, a Wireless WiFi & 4G/LTE gateway, allows remote access to all your industrial equipments (maintenance,...
AirXroad - 11n WiFi access point, Ethernet bridge, repeater & MESH point for automotive & heavy...
AirXroad is a compact rugged enclosure equipment, ideally designed for applications in road transportation, depots, warehouses, agriculture, manufacturing floors,...
Analog data acquisition
ADDI-DATA offers a wide range of analog data acquisition systems, intended for process control/measurement/monitoring applications, in industry or...
Animation de la performance
Combine the strength of all your teams for rituals that finally lead to performance. It is with the energy and commitment of operational teams that the company can...
L’ADEME lance le 5ème appel à projets « Energie CSR » pour poursuivre le développement d’unités permettant la valorisation de 1,5 million de tonnes de combustibles...
Simple d'utilisation et de mise en œuvre, le logiciel MES Aquiweb aide les industriels dans leurs démarches d'amélioration continue : suivi de production, TRS, TPM,...
Aquiweb-App, pour un suivi temps réel de la production sur son smartphone. Astrée Software propose désormais à ses utilisateurs Aquiweb App, une application pour...
Aquiweb-PlantData, un portail web personnalisable pour accéder facilement et simplement à ses données Avec ce portail WEB entièrement paramétrable, un cap est franchi...
Ask for the moon - Q&A Platform for Industry 4.0
Ask for the moon helps all organisations unlock their knowledge flow. This is how we do it: - Perfect Integration We blend into customers workflows & environments to...
ATiXE - RTLS eMustering
ATiXE is a complete ATEX1 certified work-free location solution ensuring safety, resilience and traceability for people and assets In the most challenging...
Audit Energétique
E’nergys fait de l'audit énergétique une réelle opportunité pour débuter votre démarche d'efficacité énergétique. Utilities Performance conseille depuis plus de 40 ans...
Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality
Les nouvelles technologies telles que la réalité augmentée (AR) et la réalité mixte (MR) viennent révolutionner l’expérience de rendu en proposant à l’utilisateur une...
Automate order books comparisons
- Compare 2 order books against each other (i.e., the open orders that your clients think they have vs. what is logged in your ERP system) in just a few clics - Analyse...
Automate the contractual checks on your incoming orders
- Eleminate mistakes when checking incoming order for contractual compliance - Slash processing / work time by 90%
Automatically extract data from your clients' PDF files
- Automatically extract data from each day's new PDF files in your inbox, in just a few clicks - Works with any type of PDF files (orders, claims, quotations...) as...
Automation / Robotics
CMS Automatisme offers automation and industrial robot programming services from different brands (ABB, Fanuc, KUKA, Stäubli, Universal Robots, etc.), as well as...
BASSE-HAM : industriel building for sale / rent
Area Divisible buildings: 23,000 m² of which offices 2,000 m² Exact location 30 min from Luxembourg / 20 min from Metz / 1h from Nancy,
Alsago Entrepreneurs, since 2008, we have participated in the development of more than 200 innovative companies, smart cities, associations, technology integrators or...
BIM for Manufacturing
Le BIM est un processus intelligent qui offre aux professionnels de l'ingénierie et de la construction les informations et les outils nécessaires pour planifier,...
Bio-inspired smart camera
La caméra Caiman est un capteur intelligent, autonome et à faible consommation basé sur un modèle bio-inspiré. Cette caméra à l’instar de l’œil humain permet de...
Black Belt Lean Management
Devenez animateur de la démarche Lean dans votre entreprise. L’animateur de la démarche Lean assure le développement culturel de l’amélioration continue dans son...
10750€ / personne. Eligible au CPF.
Black Belt Lean Manufacturing
Devenez animateur de la démarche Lean dans votre entreprise. L’animateur de la démarche Lean assure le développement culturel de l’amélioration continue dans son...
Coût de la formation : 15750€ / personne. Eligible au CPF.
Business for Nature diagnostic
You want to engage your company in an ISO 26000 process, you are subject to a CSR report, or even more, you want to preserve natural resources, we suggest you act now...
CAM and Robotics
La digitalisation du processus de fabrication intègre les solutions de CAO/FAO traditionnelles (usinage CNC) et se diversifie avec l'impression 3D (métal, plastique et...
Cartography with drone
Les outils de Modélisation numérique et l’utilisation du GPS rendent possible des relevés géoréférencés très précis / Relevés topo, Carrières …
Cimag Production
The MES (Manufacturing Execution System) software solution for managing workshops in real time is a fundamental component of the Industry 4.0. It contributes to an...
Cimag Scheduling
The Cimag Production - Scheduling function deals with the management of workshop scheduling operations that the ERP alone can not manage, it saves the operators and the...
CMMS - WiW Maintain
WiW Maintain is the CMMS component of the What is What platform. Organize, plan, execute, analyze and document all your maintenance activities. Get connected to the...
CMMS : Optimize your maintenance management with our integrated solutions
With CARL Source Factory, you guarantee the best operating conditions for your industrial equipment and linked infrastructures (workshops, buildings, networks, etc.):...
CO2 Sensor with traffic signal
Une concentration de CO₂ trop élevée dans la vie quotidienne a de nombreuses conséquences dont la diminution de la concentration et des performances, une fatigue...
Coaching of managers in Best Practices of Supervision
Aujourd’hui de nombreuses entreprises déploient des démarches d’amélioration et investissent dans des outils de pilotage de leur performance. Souvent le ‘middle...
Cockpit 4.0 - Optimization software package for Industry 4.0
Cockpit 4.0 is a modular M.E.S. solution for production management. Since each plant is unique, Cockpit 4.0 is configured to adapt to your production organisation in a...
Cogent Datahub
Real-time middleware Establish secure, bi-directional data communication for your industrial systems. Receive, integrate, and stream up to 50,000 data changes per...
Collaborative solutions
La transformation numérique met les entreprises au défi de changer et d’innover. Vous pouvez collaborer plus efficacement avec toutes les personnes impliquées dans...
Communicating room thermostats
The new NRFC4 thermostats are dedicated to the control of fan coil units in commercial and residential buildings. The thermostats can be installed in commercial...
Conférence: why are Siri and Alexa not adapted for the industrial use ?
The voice assistants of the American GAFAM (Siri, Alexa, Ok Google, ...) and Chinese BATX (Xiaomi for the best known) offer a new digital experience for the general...
Connect automatically to your supplier portals
- Manage all your supplier portals (the ones that your clients impose to you) from 1 app (Emera) - Do not miss any new order, claim or change to a previous order any...
Connect your PLCs, IoTs, ERP, CMMS, MES... with WiW Connect
WiW Connect est la plateforme logicielle créée par The WiW pour vous permettre de connecter entre elles installations, machines, IoT, ERP, GMAO, MES... Grâce à son...
Counting manufactured units on your production workstations
VigiProd is a small touchscreen box which can be installed on your factory's workstations. It allows you to know how many units have been produced by each workstation....
Counting signals data acquisition
ADDI-DATA offers a wide range of data acquisition systems for counting signals, intended for applications such as event counting, position acquisition, axis control,...
Creation of a management and visualization platform for data reported by objects
Centralisation des données issues de capteurs Traitement des données afin de détecter rapidement des anomalies Alerte en temps réel lorsqu’un dépassement de seuil est...
Cybersecurity of industrial systems
Our range of industrial cybersecurity services covers all areas - risk assessments, diagnostics - ensuring the security of networks, data, software and equipment -...
Cybersecurity Offer
The increased connection of IT systems to industrial systems increases the risk of cyber attacks. No company or even administration, whatever its size and activity, is...
CyVault France
CyVault France is a subsidiary of PM SCADA, co-founder member of CQTNC, specialized in cyberdefense and cybersecurity. Over more than 12 years alongside its clients,...
Data Protection Officer
À travers notre expertise reconnue en tant que DPO, Actecil peut être désignée DPO Externe ou Mutualisé de tout organisme (public, entreprises, associations,...
Décarbonation de l'industrie
E’nergys vous accompagne dans la décarbonation de votre industrie. Utilities Performance, société du groupe, conseille depuis plus de 40 ans les industriels dans la...
Detection of the risk of collision between a machine and a vehicle
Notre capteur intelligent analyse et détecte les situations à risques en temps réel pour signaler aux piétons et aux caristes, d’un risque potentiel de collision. La...
Digital data acquisition
ADDI-DATA offers a wide range of digital data acquisition systems, intended for process control/measurement/monitoring applications, in industry or...
Digital Twin
Le jumeau numérique est un modèle 3D de votre usine - du bâtiment et de vos machines - constituant un véritable outil de pilotage de votre activité. Digital twin :...
Digitization of production
Industries need to increase the overall quality, efficiency and responsiveness of their production. With digitalization and the advent of Industry 4.0, new...
Divalto infinity
Divalto infinity est un logiciel ERP complet dédié aux PME et aux ETI. En plus de rassembler l’ensemble des outils nécessaires au quotidien de votre entreprise, il est...
Divalto weavy FSM
Divalto weavy pour les forces techniques est un CRM conçu pour répondre à toutes les problématiques des responsables de services et de leurs techniciens itinérants,...
Divalto weavy SFA
Divalto weavy pour les commerciaux est le CRM indispensable pour améliorer la performance de votre force de vente. Il met à disposition toutes les informations et les...
DRAKKAR Digital, co-founder member of CQTNC, is specialize in the digital transformation of companies, public institutions and local authorities. Its success is based...
E-LOG'IN 4 THIONVILLE / Trimodal logistics and industrial platform
200 ha available • direct access to the north-south (A31) and east-west (A4) motorways, • in a trans-frontier environment, at the epicentre of a market of 100 million...
e-Plume : enjoy all the What is What features in a virtual visit of your facilities
e-Plume est le résultat d'un partenariat avec SBS Interactive, spécialiste des visites virtuelles. Avec notre solution de Plateforme Unique pour la Maîtrise et...
Edge computing sensor Sil 2
Protéger vos sites de franchissements de zones interdites pour assurer la sécurité de vos employés (quais de déchargement, machines de production...). La solution...
EDGE device - mmBox
Mechmine’s data acquisition box mmBox Mk.2 - edge device - Dimensions: L=300mm, W=200mm, H=120mm
from EUR 4800
The company EDILEX, co-founder member of CQTNC, is specialized in LegalTech. Originally, we have passionate lawyers and developers, eager to offer the best service to...
Georgia Tech is highly reputed for strong Academics with programs that not only stay on top of current developments but also help pioneer new technology. Georgia...
Enhanced operator: mixed reality for Industry 4.0
Mixed reality solutions combined with 5G make it possible to visualize and manipulate machines through their digital twins so asin order to put in place the right...
Ensuring operational readiness / MCS
With our expertise in cybersecurity, we support manufacturers in maintaining a secure environment: risk analyses, diagnostics securing of networks, data,...
Entraînements décentralisés MOVI-C© : des solutions mécatroniques agiles et flexibles
Les nouvelles solutions mécatroniques décentralisées MOVI-C© offrent de multiples fonctionnalités grâce à une électronique de puissance et de commande unique. Une...
AN UNRIVALLED HUB LOCATED IN AREA WITH HIGH-QUALITY LABOUR FORCES Eastern Moselle employment area Population: 182 000 Density (pop/sq. km): 250 Active employed...
Financial Leasing Solutions
DIGITAL EASE propose un ensemble de solutions et de services personnalisés articulés autour des solutions de Financement Locatif. DIGITAL EASE s’adresse aux...
The BE 4.0 – Industries du Futur trade show is held at Mulhouse, at the heart of the Grand Est region of eastern France, French Tech themed IOT Manufacturing approved.
Organized by The Parc Expo of Mulhouse
November 30 and December 1
Parc E
xpo - Mulhouse
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