OECD Forum on Responsible Business Conduct

2020 Global Forum on  
Responsible Business Conduct

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This year’s Global Forum on Responsible Business Conduct (GFRBC) has been held virtually. You can access all the sessions on replay:  
  • RBC and COVID-19
    This event focused on how governments and businesses can use a responsible business conduct (RBC) approach to address the COVID-19 crisis and build more resilient supply chains. The Global Forum has become the leading event for governments, businesses, trade unions and civil society to promote international dialogue on RBC and contribute to the effective implementation of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. This year we will bring together stakeholders from business, trade unions, civil society and academia to discuss key social, economic and environmental challenges related to RBC including ways in which we can use the ongoing pandemic to integrate responsible business thinking into policies and action to bring remedy to people, meet the Sustainable Development Goals and tackle climate change.

    This also includes the replay in English and in Japanese of the side session on "Building environmental resilience and responding to global crises through supply chain due diligence" which was held on 25th June 2020.

  • Access to Remedy
    On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the National Contact Points (NCPs) for RBC, this event focused on the broader remedy/accountability landscape, bringing together various other grievance mechanisms.  

Global Forum Plenary Sessions Responsible Business Conduct and COVID-19

For more information on RBC and COVID-19, please read: 

Global Forum Plenary Sessions Access to Remedy

The current global health crisis has far-reaching economic and social consequences. It affects whole societies and hits the most vulnerable hardest. More than ever, the National Contact Points’ role in seeking agreement between parties and remedy, where possible, is of fundamental importance.
Angel Gurría
OECD Secretary-General