2020 OECD Global Blockchain Policy Forum


Alexandre Barrat

Deputy Director of the Fintech, Innovation and Competitiveness division
Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF)


Alexandre Barrat joined the AMF in 2010 at the department in charge of monitoring and controlling investment service providers. From 2011 to 2017, as an inspector, he carried out on-site inspections of investment service providers (finance and investment banks, brokers, custodians, investment advisers). In 2017, he joined the Fintech, Innovation and Competitiveness division of the AMF, which is responsible for supporting innovative companies and reflecting on possible changes in the regulatory framework in a context of the increasing digitization of financial services. This division is also in charge of leading discussions on the competitiveness of the market and on the proportionality of regulations and bringing them to French , European and international levels. He became deputy director at the start of 2019. He contributes among other things to the development of an innovative legislative and regulatory framework adapted to crypto-assets both on the primary (Initial Coin Offerings) and secondary (service providers) markets. on digital assets). He represents the AMF on the Financial Innovation Standing Committee of ESMA and its working group on crypto-assets, as well as on the Artificial Intelligence sub-group of the Joint Committee of the European Supervisory Authorities. Alexandre is a former student of the l'Ecole normale supérieure de Lyon, holder of a bachelor's and a master's degree in mathematics and a bachelor's degree in chemistry (Université Claude Bernard Lyon I) and a graduate engineer in statistics, economics and finance (ENSAE ParisTech) . He holds a professional certification in cryptography on Bitcoin and Ethereum blockchains (Eureka Certification).