Arnaud Legrand
Arnaud Legrand, 40 years old, is the CEO of Energiency, a French scale-up founded in 2013, developing a 4.0 energy analytics software dedicated for smart manufacturing. Energiency has received more than 30 international awards related to innovation and entrepreneurship, including the 2019 Solar Impulse Efficient Solution. Energiency raised €10 M with Encevo, ISAI, Go Capital, West Web Valley and Bpifrance. Arnaud also launched ATL-EN-TIC, a joint venture that brings together 5 innovative service and technology companies in Brittany and Pays de la Loire dedicated to industrial energy performance. Arnaud has 14 years of experience as a Cleantech, CO2 and Energy Savings consultant for big manufacturing companies and utilities, with Ernst & Young Paris and Blu-e (now Engie/GDF Suez). He graduated in Life science, Mathematics and Cleantech engineering from Paris Institute of Technology (AgroParisTech), and holds a MBA from Paris Collège des Ingénieurs.
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