3Zero Mexico Forum


Elise Allely


Gestor de Proyectos de Cambio Climático


Elise Allély-Fermé is the Climate Change Manager at Pronatura Mexico A.C. in charge of USAID's Co2munitario Project, the largest forest carbon sequestration project in Mexico aimed at building the technical, institutional, financial and political capacity to increase the value of Mexican forests using market mechanisms. The project, designed by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Pronatura Mexico and the World Resources Institute (WRI), aims to increase income for forest communities through the sale of carbon credits, conserve 200,000 hectares of forest and capture 3 million tons of CO2e. In addition to Co2munitario, Elise manages Pronatura's ""Neutralízate"" program, which aims to calculate, reduce and offset the carbon footprint of companies, individuals and events. Prior to joining Pronatura Mexico, Elise worked with the Australian River's Institute in the development of an ecological monitoring framework for conservation projects in Australia. She is co-founder of Youth Engaged in Wetlands (YEW), an international youth network that supports intergenerational cooperation within the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands. She has also worked at the Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention, supporting its implementation across Europe and has led environmental education programs in the Regional Natural Park of the Cotentin and Bessin Marshes in France. Elise holds a BSc in Environmental Science from the University of East Anglia (UK) and an MSc in Integrated Water Management from the International WaterCentre, Griffith University (Australia).

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